Make Your Own Monday (MYOM): Four Ingredient Shave Cream

It's that time of the year; the weather is warming up, shorts are coming out, and you don't want to be stuck looking as hairy as Punxutaney Phil. You know, the groundhog, who predicted the coming of the season. No, you want to be smooth and silky. 

I have the solution for you in this simple, yet effective shave cream, and the best part? You probably have all these things in your home already.

You will need:
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil (This oil is amazing for your body. If you want more information about it, read this article to learn more)
  • 1/2 Tablespoon  of olive oil 
  • 1 Tablespoon cornstarch (optional, but adds to the silky feeling you seek) 
  • Essential oils (optional, but highly recommended) I used 10 drops of grapefruit!

Here's what to do:
This is best if your coconut oil is solid. Coconut oil starts to melt at 76 degrees F.  If it's melted pop it in the fridge for a few minutes.  Next, you will need to mix the coconut oil and the olive oil together until smooth. I used a fork because my blender would have turned this into soup. Anyway, once the oils are combined add the cornstarch, it will stiffen it up a little and add some silkiness. Lastly, add the essential oil. That's it you're done!

For clarity's sake, this is not going to be a fluffy cream like you would buy in the store. Once you touch it, it will begin to melt. Remember 76 degrees? That being said, it is awesome, and will leave you silky, smooth, and best of all toxin-free! Your store brand will, likely, not be able to promise the last one. 

One last thing! Oil + Water = A Hella Slippery Shower Floor. Be careful! 

Keep it Smooth and Silky, 

P.S. This is also great for man-scaping! If you're a man, and you read this far. Kudos! Give this a try! If you're a woman, share it with the men in your life they (even if it's secretly) want to be smooth and silky too!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Do Share! 


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