I am overjoyed to bring to you this interview featuring Isis of The Goddess Column. She is beauty and light and brings truth in this phenomenal piece. I am brimming with anticipation to share this, so I won't waste anymore time with my words. Let's go!
"A healthy spirit, a healthy mind, and a healthy body"--they're 100% necessary in my eyes. I think more often than not we trick ourselves into thinking that eating healthier or working out is all that it takes to live healthily. I'd even go as far as to say creating and maintaining healthy relationships is a major part of healthy living. It's so important to realize how much influence our mental and emotional state has on our physical well-being!
Was there a turning point in your life that made you decide to become healthier?
From a physical standpoint, I just recently became a vegetarian (late October of 2013), which actually was just a part of personal challenge I had given myself. I made sure that as I grew in the challenge that I would further educate myself on why others choose to change their lifestyles as I was challenging myself to. In that time, I learned some of the most heart-wrenching, disgusting, and greedy behavioral acts we [Americans] do to animals solely for the purpose of consumption. On top of not wanting to be one to bring such harm and danger to animals, I absolutely adored the health benefits I reaped from having a plant-based diet and I've stuck with it ever since!
Mentally and emotionally, after worlds and worlds of turmoil... I found peace; a certain tranquility of the spirit. I had given all my burdens [not just the current ones, but any that I may face in the future as well] to the Lord and let Him know that no matter what I would trust him. That brought along a feeling of freedom and peace that was unlike any I had ever experienced in my life and I did not, by any means, want to let it go. I made sure that from that moment on, I would continue to take care of my mind and spirit by doing things I love--working in my passion, following my dreams and touching the lives of others. It has brought me the greatest joy and most fulfilling life I could live.
What piece of knowledge would you like to share with others?
It is very true that we only get one life to live. There isn't a feeling in the world like truly doing what you love. I'm here to tell you as a living witness that when you find the beauty and the value in being true to who you are in every little aspect of life, nothing will be able to bring you down or hold you back. Never live your life for the likes of anyone but yourself and the good Lord himself (or whoever it is that you do believe in). You'll be surprised how much your light shines when you have emotional, mental, and physical freedom. And as Marianne Williamson reminds us (and as I remind myself each morning):

Be true to who you are. May you find it easier than ever to let your light shine, to touch the lives of many and to live in divine peace, health, and happiness.
What is the one natural product you can’t live without?
I am addicted to the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Oh my gosh, guys--it's absolutely the best. Whether taking shots of it a day, rinsing my mouth out with it, rinsing my hair with it, or bathing in it altogether... I cannot get enough of it. I didn't begin using ACV so much until I developed Pityriasis Rosea and I found bathing in it soothing to my skin. While using it, just as I did with altering to a vegetarian lifestyle, I continued to research the health benefits of ACV and soon after utilizing most of what I learned--I was hooked. There are so many different uses and health benefits to ACV and all the answers are just a google search away! Check it out..
What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
I love this question, Marissa. I always say to her, first, thank you teaching me so much. I often times seem crazy by how much I talk to and reference Young Isis. She has taught me so much and the older I get the stronger my love, affection, and appreciation grows for her. Being able to recognize the significance of what Young Isis had experiences (the good, the bad, and the hideous) has allowed me to develop spiritually,mentally, and emotionally in ways that many women my age have yet to experience. It has fostered in my an unexplainable freedom to be who I am without any restrictions.
Lastly, I'd make sure she knows... "Baby girl you are, indeed, someone's dream girl. The way you look, walk, act, talk, is perfect to someone out there in this world. Always remember that. Until you find him or her, be your own dream girl. Take care of yourself now, the way you would if you found the person of your dreams already. Once you find and recognize the true value in yourself, you will not allow that to be diminished, unappreciated, or unexpected from anything or anyone you come up against."
What makes you hella fresh?
My fearlessness makes me hella fresh. I'm not saying that I don't get afraid occasionally, but when my heart speaks my mind, body, and soul listen. We, together, are never afraid of taking a leap of faith when we feel it's the right thing to do. I am not afraid to make mistakes and even less afraid of starting over once I do. I just make sure that no matter what choices I make, that I am being true to who I am when making the decision. One of my best friends I may never meet, Erykah Badu, has a verse in her song 'Didn't Cha Know' that explains what I mean here perfectly:
Time to save the world / Where in the world is all the time / So many things I still don't know
So many times I've changed my mind / Guess I was born to make mistakes / But I ain't scared to take the weight / So when I stumble off the path / I know my heart will guide me back
So many times I've changed my mind / Guess I was born to make mistakes / But I ain't scared to take the weight / So when I stumble off the path / I know my heart will guide me back
Where can we find you in the webosphere?
Some of you natural-lovers may recognize me from KisforKinky (http://www.kisforkinky.com/isis-nezbeth-type-4-natural-hair-inspiration-interview/). I'm proud to say that since then, I have been able to spread my wings and pursuit my dreams as a professional writer.
Kings and Queens, Gods and Goddesses... join me in cultivating a spirit of freedom and peace by visiting me and my family over at The Goddess Column. My number one goal is to touch lives. Whether you're feeling down and need to hear a word of encouragement; you need to laugh; you have questions about sex, relationships, or health; you want to learn more about people like you and I who are following their dreams; you want to share your own light with the TGC Family and Readers--there's enough love for everyone and I wouldn't be happier to add you to my growing family.
You can knock on our door at www.thegoddesscolumn.com and I promise we'll answer. Also, feel free to connect with me on Instagram @GoddessGram and Twitter @GoddessColumn. I can't wait to see you there.
Peace, light, and love good people.
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