Health 101: Ms. V

How do you define healthy living?
To me, healthy living is a lifestyle and a way of approaching the world. It's more than what you eat, more than your activity level. Healthy living means respecting your body and developing the awareness to know what is right for you and your body, as well as recognizing your connection with others and with nature. It means trying to make decisions that are sustainable for you and the world (trying is key - because we make thousands of decisions every day, and sometimes these are not the "right" decisions but are right or necessary for us).
Was there a turning point in your life that made you decide to become healthier?
I grew up in an active, outdoorsy family. My mom is a nurse and she has always stressed the importance of living healthfully. When I was 11, I decided to become a vegetarian. I stuck with that, and at 18 went a step further to become vegan (no animal products at all). This lifestyle is not for everyone, but it works for me. Of course, being vegan by no means makes someone automatically healthy - during college, I was a horrible eater, surviving on lots of cereal with rice milk, pasta, and tofutti "ice cream". In the past 8 years I have come a long way with my veganism and I still find myself learning every day.
What piece of knowledge would you like to share with others?
I agree with J's thoughts - I think it is very important to recognize where food comes from and how our buying practices can shape the future of farming and environmental practices. By nurturing ourselves we are also able to nurture the natural world. Awareness can be ugly and some information will be hard to accept, but there are alternatives that won't break your bank or taste horrible.
What is the one natural product you can't live without?
I don't know if this counts as "natural" but I love nutritional yeast. It's a great source of protein and B vitamins, which are often missing from vegan diets. It's got a nutty/cheesy flavor and I use it on popcorn almost every day! In terms of non-food products, I really like Alba products (cosmetics and toiletries).
What advice would you give your 20 year old self?
Learn to ignore your sweet tooth!! & stop preaching about how veganism saves the world. Swim more. Take time to cook.
Anything else?
Be open, be present, be aware. 


  1. I also love nutritional yeast. It does make the best "cheese" popcorn! I just started popping popcorn the old fashioned way (on the stove) because we have put our microwave into semi-retirement (only using it on very rare occasions). It is so much fun to see and hear the kernels popping. Once they are done, I drizzle them with my fav coconut oil. Then add the nutritional yeast. YUM!!

  2. what are your thoughts on veganism riss?

  3. I think veganism, vegetarianism, and eating raw food all are wonderful lifestyles, that not only are healthy, but also support sustainability. I think we need to really be paying attention to where our food comes from and how it affects future generations. People are walking around with blinders on pretending that they have no real impact on what is happening to our environment. We have to take responsibility for our choices because they will impact our children.
