Gaining Some Weight in the New Year!

HNY! Maybe you have been wondering where I have been. Too be completely honest, I went on hiatus because I was brooding over what I imagined was a lack of interest and support. The amazing thing, and I suppose the lesson for me, was that while I was gone my blog got almost 10,000 hits! I guess people really were interested in what I had to share. Brooding, and feelings of lack have been vanquished, and a new sunnier outlook has emerged.

So generally, I write about health but this year I am focusing on becoming fiscally and physically fit! Since becoming an adult, I have struggled with saving money. I just can't seem to do it. Something always comes up that demands my attention and dollars, but this year I am putting that to a stop, and challenging myself to gain some substantial weight in my wallet.

A while ago, I saw Iyanla on tv and she stared directly at me and informed me that my current situation (being financially challenged) was caused by a lack of discipline, and only discipline could save me. Dang, I was hoping for the lotto, but I know she is right. So my plan is to do the 52 Week Savings Challenge, try a No-Spend month, and continue my own version of Keep The Change.

If you haven't seen it on Facebook then here it is: The 52 Week Savings Challenge:
Simple yet effective! I know this is possible, and being the overachiever that I am think I am going to double this. Who else is down?

The No-Spend Month, is going to be the toughest challenge. For those of you who haven't heard of this it is where you pay everything, then put a certain amount away for variable expenses like gas and food. Then you don't spend anything else while sticking to your budget. I still haven't decided which month I am going to tackle this one. Check back for updates!

Lastly I have been doing Keep the Change before B of A ever launched their program. I simply do not spend change. You will never see me rifling through my purse and counting out pennies to make 31 cents. I know plenty of you do that, but I have found that instead of holding up lines at retail stores searching for change, that money could simply be taken from a bill, then any change be put away. Even if I buy something totally $20.01, I will break the bill and keep the 99 cents. It may seem strange to some of you, especially you change-counters, but it actually works. 
Just today I took this to the coin counting machine:

And got this: 

Not too shabby! May not be impressive to some of you ballers, but I am grateful for small things.

So, what plans do you have to become fiscally fit this year? Do tell!