Use any pure apple cider you like and add to it:
2 parts dried elderberries (great for coughs)
1/2 part dried orange (for taste)
1 part echinacea or astragalus root (for immunity)
a couple of cloves (for taste)
1 cinnamon stick (for taste)
I used parts because sometimes I make the whole gallon of apple cider, and sometimes I do small batches. The easiest and best way to prepare this is in a crock pot. You can let it simmer all day, allowing all the goodness to be released from the plants. If you can't do this, bring the mixture to a boil then simmer for as long as you like.Serve warm and enjoy!
*You can find any of these herbs at your local health food store. If you are in Oakland try The Food Mill, they have a great selection of bulk herbs. You can also order your herbs online. www.mountainroseherbs.com is my favorite supplier.
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