This has been an interesting couple of days. I have learned several things:
- I need more discipline. I thought just listening to my body's cues would be enough, however that was not the case. In hindsight, if it was that easy no challenge would be necessary, right? I am now going to make myself a goal of drinking at least 1 gallon of liquids a day (that's 16 cups, or 128 oz, almost two 2 liters.) Wish me luck!
- Making the citrus cooler with fresh squeezed juice is a weekend-only venture. LOL! I am going to *cheat* and buy fresh 100% juices and dilute them.
- Rooibos tea is the bomb! (Well I already knew this, but just feel so good since we have been reunited.) I love rooibos a.k.a. red bush tea; it is so tasty and good for you. In short, rooibos in whatever from you drink it gives you all the antioxidant benefits of green tea without the caffeine, and its mellow slightly sweet taste makes it a winner! I drank this stuff daily when I lived in Africa, and am so happy to have it back in my life. Lately, I have been drinking Ginger Peach Red Tea by The Republic of Tea - 36 tea bags
diluted with water about 2:1, and without added sweeteners (to me it's sweet enough on its own, but a little agave or honey would make an awesome sweet tea.)
- Loading up on water first thing in the morning really helps, getting a good 32 oz. in first thing in the a.m. is a great way to start the day. Plus, I have noticed that I wake up thirsty, so it's easy to get it in. (On a side not, adding citrus to the water and drinking it warm keeps me from feeling water-logged or nauseous.
In other hydration news, I picked up a watermelon, and am looking for a good recipe for watermelon agua fresca. Once I find one I'll post it. I also picked up some cucumber, which makes a lovely addition to water.Yum!
I gotta run and try to get some more water in today before it gets too late.
P.S. If you are up for the challenge comment. The more of us there are to support one another, the more successful we will all be!